Eaton Township Dumpster Days- 2015

On October 10, 3,340 gallons of household hazardous waste were collected from Eaton Township residents by the Ross Group of companies at the township 27th Dumpster Days event. In fact, 104 households, representing 188 people, participated in the household hazardous waste collection event.

Participants in the event included Eaton Township and several local companies: Ross Environmental Services, Inc., Ross Incineration Services, Inc., Ross Transportation Services, Inc., and Reed’s Salvage Corp. Household hazardous materials were collected by the Ross companies free of charge to the township residents, and included paint, motor oil, household chemicals and discarded cleaning products.

This year’s collection event in October marked the 27th time that the Ross companies have collected household hazardous waste materials as a free community service for Eaton Township residents. Over the past 26 years, they have collected more than 122,870 gallons of household hazardous waste which was disposed of or recycled in an environmentally sound manner.

“Eaton Township Dumpster Days provides an opportunity for township residents to dispose of a variety of waste materials. By collecting household hazardous waste, the Ross companies are providing a valuable community service and helping to protect the environment,” said Maggie Kelch, Director of Corporate Communications for Ross Environmental Services.