EHS Policy

Environmental, Health and Safety Policy

  • Our business success and commitment to the protection of human health and the environment are consistent and complimentary goals.
  • We will demonstrate leadership in protection of human health and the environment in our workplace, marketplace and community.
  • We will comply with all applicable safety, health and environmental regulations, and hold the broader goals of eliminating preventable injuries; preventing adverse environmental and health impacts; reducing wastes and emissions; and promoting resource conservation.
  • Management and all employees are collectively and individually responsible and accountable for compliance with safety, health and environmental regulations, policies and procedures.
  • We will communicate our safety, health and environmental achievements and challenges openly, honestly, clearly and professionally with employees, customers, our community and government agencies.
  • This Policy will guide all our decisions and actions that have potential safety, health or environmental impacts.

Ross Incineration Services Safety, Health & Environmental Standards


Ross Incineration Services, Inc. (RIS) is committed to maintaining an environmentally sound, safe, healthy workplace for the protection of our employees, our community and our business interests. We believe that most occupational injuries, illnesses and safety and environmental incidents are preventable, and set zero as our ultimate goal for each of these.

RIS firmly believes that all employees are individually and collectively responsible for safety, health and environmental compliance. We expect full cooperation and participation in aspects of safety, health and environmental programs for all employees.

To accomplish this broad objective, we will:

  • Train personnel in appropriate safe work practices, environmental program compliance, applicable regulatory and permit requirements, and RIS’ established management practices. Reinforce this training through continual education.
  • Indoctrinate and instill in all personnel a commitment to assume personal responsibility and accountability for safety, health and environmental protection and compliance. Encourage all personnel to expect similar performance from coworkers.
  • Strive to provide appropriate machinery and equipment and maintain it in safe working order.
  • Maintain programs which promote prompt reporting and correction of all potential and actual unsafe conditions or environmental impacts.
  • Periodically evaluate work processes and procedures in the context of safety, health and environmental impacts and make appropriate engineering and procedural changes.
  • Incorporate compliance with these standards as an element of job requirements and individual performance appraisals. Take appropriate action with personnel exhibiting behavior inconsistent with these standards.
  • Select contractors and vendors who demonstrate proper concern for safety, health and environmental protection.